Illinois Church of God


Illinois is:

  • A land of ministry opportunity. The spiritual needs in our state are numerous and diverse. We know that the Lord has given us His hope to share with those around us.
  • Ripe for harvest. Illinoisans have endured a lot of harsh realities. Many are disillusioned with attempts at bringing healing to the state. The Church can provide genuine answers to life’s toughest challenges.
  • People of all races, ages and social statuses are unifying to bring spiritual renewal to Illinois.  
  • Making a comeback. CoVid-19, racial strife, economic downturns and political division have caused much damage and hurt. But we bring the healing and unifying Good News of Jesus to a hurting people.
  • Open for the taking. Those who are seeking for a glamourous and elegant lifestyle are headed to other parts of the country. But a few hard-working and down-to-earth leaders are changing the spiritual landscape of Illinois.
  • You will find Illinois in general and the Illinois Church of God specifically to be an extremely warm and inviting atmosphere. You will feel at home here!

What you can do:

  • Pray for Illinois!
  • Become a part of one of our churches (list here).
  • Consider becoming a leader. Opportunities abound for those who are called by God to serve Him and others.
  • Invite others to join you in changing the spiritual outlook of a state.
  • Look forward to a brighter future in Illinois!


For more information, contact our State Office at: (217) 429-5121 or email at